Wakandacon Codeathon | Come Find Your Tribe at Wakandacon Skip to main content


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We will announce the 2019 Wakandacon Codeathon soon! Check back for more details.

A happy young girl working on a tablet

Why a Codeathon?

Only ~5% of engineers, scientists, or designers are black. Diversity in technology becomes increasingly important as we transition from mouse interfaces, past touch interaction, and into augmented and immersive virtual reality.

Non-representation in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) ultimately slants the design and development of new technology if only certain viewpoints, concerns, and needs are satisfied. If we are to avoid the mistakes of the past, it is imperative that we all have a hand in creating the worlds of the future.

Wakandacon hopes to leverage the excitement surrounding our event to amplify the efforts of our partners, and to work alongside them to create a pipeline to bring more students of color into STEAM careers.

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