The existence of “Vibranium,” a rare substance native to the fictional nation of Wakanda, was advanced as a concept in “Black Panther” and has inspired discussion about harnessing its power. In Black Panther vibranium’s radiation has permeated much of Wakanda’s flora and fauna, including the Heart-Shaped Herb eaten by members of the Black Panther Tribe and the flesh of the White Gorilla, eaten by members of the White Gorilla Tribe. It is also believed to dramatically enhance mystical energies.
Jabari Exum, drummer, actor, and storyteller was the choreographer and dummer on the movie Black Panther. His passion for rhythm and performance goes back to infancy and his quest to experience the power of discipline and environment in maintaining “Nankama” (life purpose) preceded his participation in the movie. He has studied indigenous people and their practices that promote health and healing including resilient skin, resistant immune system function, vitality, fitness, spirituality, speed and flexibility, anti-aging, and connection to the planet. He is also witness to the power and significance of naming your children to establish life purpose.
In this session Jabari will share his observations, views, and practices for health and well-being and where to find Vibranium in our everyday life. Bring your curiosity and questions and plan to be engaged.